商标 | GD |
型号 | GH8.2UF400V 13X16 |
规格 | 12*21 |
包装 | 袋装或编带 |
产量 | 100000000000 |
是否有现货 | 是 |
样式 | 引线式 |
结构 | 固定电容器 |
包装方式 | GD |
工作电压 | 400V |
型号 | GH8.2UF400V 13X16 |
规格 | 12*21 |
商标 | GD |
包装 | 袋装或编带 |
SpecificationsNoItemPerformance1使用温度范围OperatingTemperatureRange-40 to + 105°c2定格电压范围RatedWorkinoltageRange6.3-3静电容量范围Capacitance Tolerance0.47-15000?F4静电容量容许差Capacitance Tolerance±20% (at+250C,120HZ)5泄漏电流Leakage CurrentI≤0.02V (uA) or 4(?A) after one minutes6损失角Dissipation Factor(tanδ)(120Hz\+25℃)Working Voltage6.3101625355063100 tanδ max. For capacitance value >1000?F, add 0.02 per another 1000?F7温度特性(at 120 Hz)Characteristics at low temperature (stability at 120HZ)Working Voltage (V)6.3101625355063100-25℃/+20℃44433222-40/℃+20℃88833333For capacitance value >1000uF,Add 0.5 per another 1000?F for -25℃/+25℃.Add 1.0r another 1000?F for -40℃/+20℃8高温负荷特性+105℃.The capacitor shall meet the following limits:Post test requirements at + 25℃Leakage current≤ the Initial specified valueCapacitance change≤±20% of initial measured valueDissipation Factor(tanδ)≤200% of initial specified value9高温无负荷特性+105℃+25℃
Same limits for high temperature lading.