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售后:仪器设备所有配件原厂家保修一年,长期提供保养、售后咨询服务!13649881864刘经理: the calculation method of L 6 contact angle fitting (Tangent, Circle, graphics, Conic, Width-Height, True, Drop, Laplace-Young, Method) l automatic baseline determination and manual selection of L surface of single and multiple real-time dynamic calculation, setting calculation time and frequency of L with image recording, playback, editing and dynamic the calculation function of L dynamic continuous image taking, image touch area setting image files stored in AVI format, can be continuous, single or a playback, playback speed can be adjusted, and have to delete unnecessary image l feature image size correction function of L droplet contour line and reference line automatically selected, gray scale adjustment, image black and white contrast, software parameter setting l with contact angle, surface / interfacial tension and solid surface energy calculation function of L measurements show that the elastic and free choice of project Sort output EXCEL or TXT format l graphics and data display elastic curve coordinate range set free l surface free energy calculation formula contains well-known variety: Zisman Plot, Fowkes Extended, Fowkes, Wu, Acid-Base, Owens-Wendt, Equation-of-State etc.
:: fixed focus or zoom lens, USB 2 million 1280 x 1024 pixel camera, can clear dynamic analysis of droplets, and is suitable for notebook computer operation,::, adjustable volume drops to 1 UL,: 0 ~ 180 ~ + 0.1 ~: 255 x 135 x 140 mm (L x W x H); weight: 1.5 KG 手提式接触角量测仪 Sindatek 手提式接触角量测仪 Model 100P 可测 定动静态接触角、液体表面张力及固体表面自 由能等, 采手提携带型设计, 可直接放置于样 品上测量, 因此无样品尺寸限制, 特别适用于 活动场所或大面积样品如 TFT-LCD 检测之应 用。 Model 100P 接触角测量仪, 具备竞争性价格, 采用 光学视频测量技术及专用的分析软 件, 以座滴法测量动静态接触角, 分析固体表 面润湿行为, 计算固体表面自由能及其组成。