规格 | 供货量(件) |
50mm——3A | 500000 |
型号 | 0603贴片自恢复保险丝 |
规格 | 0603 |
包装 | PE袋子 |
产量 | 500000 |
是否有现货 | 是 |
品牌 | 霖达 |
用途 | 用电设备保护 |
结构 | 其它 |
分断电流范围 | 一般用途熔断器 |
类型 | 贴片式 |
熔体材料 | 铅锡合金 |
使用范围 | 低压熔断器 |
最大电压 | 60V |
最大电流 | 3A |
保持电流 | 2A |
动作温度 | 25摄氏度 |
温控范围 | -40摄氏度——85摄氏度 |
型号 | 0603贴片自恢复保险丝 |
规格 | 0603 |
包装 | PE袋子 |
1210贴片自恢复保险丝 | 1210 |
1812贴片自恢复保险丝 | 1812 |
0805贴片自恢复保险丝 | 0805 |
1206贴片自恢复保险丝 | 1206 |
2920贴片自恢复保险丝 | 2920 |
Performance Specification 電力特性:
V max = Maximum operating voltage device can withstand without damage at rated current (Imax).
V max = 元件在額定電流下能承受的 電壓。
I max = Maximum fault current device can withstand without damage at rated voltage (V max).
I max = 元件在額定電壓下能承受的 電流。
I hold =25°C still air.
I hold = 在25°C靜止空氣環境中,產品不動作的 電流。
I trip =25°C still air.
I trip = 在25°C靜止空氣環境中, 動作電流。
Pd = Power dissipation when device is in the tripped state in 25°C still air environment at rated voltage.
Pd = 在25°C靜止空氣環境中,產品動作狀態下的消耗功率。
Ri min/max = Minimum/Maximum device resistance prior to tripping at 25°C.
Ri min/max = 25°C溫度條件下的初始阻值(焊接前)。
R1max = Maximum device resistance is measured one hour post reflow.
R1max = 25°C溫度條件下,焊接一小時後的 阻值。
CAUTION : Operation beyond the specified ratings may result in damage and possible arcing and flame.
注意:超出 額定值的操作,可能會導致損傷和可能產生電弧和火焰。
Environmental Specifications 環境規範:
Thermal Derading Chart 熱减額圖表
Recommended Hold Current(A) at Ambient Temperature(°C) 環境溫度(°C)下的推薦保持電流(A)
Thermal Derating Curve Average Time-Current Curve
熱减額曲線 平均時間電流曲線
Soldering Parameters 焊接參數
ecommended reflux method, infrared light cake, gas phase furnace, hot air furnace, nitrogen environment, lead-free welding.
Recommended maximum thickness of tin brushing is 0.25mm.
建議刷錫厚度 為0.25mm。
Devices can be cleaned using standard industry methods and solvents.
Note 1:All temperature refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.
Note 2:If the reflux temperature exceeds the recommended thin application requirements, the product may not meet the performance requirements
Physical Dimensions 尺寸規格 (mm.)
Recommended Pad Layout 建議焊墊佈局(mm.)
Termination Pad Characteristics 焊端特性:
Solder end information: copper plating and tin plating.
Solderability of welding ends: in accordance with EIA specification RS186-9E and ANSI/J-STD-002 category 3.
焊端可焊性:符合EIA規範RS186-9E和ANSI/J-STD-002類別 3。
Packaging Quantity 包裝數量
Part Number | Quantity |
SMD0603 HF Series | 4,000 pcs/reel |
8mm magnetic tape, 7-inch reel per EIA-481-1
Tape And Reel Specifications (mm)