1.公司介绍   宁波海曙艾柯特贸易商行成立于1997年,是一个专业生产各种胶粘带的生产企业。年生产各种胶带80万M2。公司注重细节和过程管理,精益求精,逐步形成了属于自己的系列产品。   目前比较强项的产品有: 泡棉胶带系列、VHB压克力胶带、高强度双面胶带、薄膜胶带、玻璃纤维胶带、保护膜胶带、耐高温美纹纸胶带、保密防伪胶带、铜箔铝箔胶带、单面海绵胶带、导电导热阻燃胶带、密封防水胶带、耐磨润滑胶带等。以及各种胶粘制品的新品开发和模切加工。   公司拥有多功能大型涂胶设备数台,集制胶、涂布、自动复卷、自动裁切、自动分条、模切、自动包装于一体,具备一定规模卷、自动裁切、自动分条、模切、自动包装于一体,具备一定规模的生产能力。配备了初粘、持粘、剪切强度、老化试验等比较完整的检测设备。对每一笔订单都严格按照QC工程进行过程细化控制管理,对车间严格实行了“5S”管理,从而最大限度地保障了产品品质。   以追求产品、人、环境和谐发展为公司的目标。   Ningbo Actape Adhesive Products Co.,1997,800,, trying to keep improving the quality, have developed a series of our own key products.   We are strong and competitive in the following products: Double foam tape series, VHB acrylic tape, highly adhesive double-sided tape, film tape, glass fibre tape, protection tape, heat-resistant Masking Tape, Security Tape—Tamper Evident, Copper and Aluminum foil tape , single-sided foam tape, Thermal Conductive/Electric Conductive Tapes, waterproof tape,-cutting for all kinds of adhesive tapes.   Our factory is equipped with several large multifunctional Coating machines, we produce glue by ourselves and do coating, auto-folding, auto-cutting, punching and auto packing under one roof and has considerable production capability.   We have complete testing equipments covering the tests from original adhesive capability, consisting adhesive capability,, and we adopt “5S” quality management system in our workshop which can ensure to achieve the best possible quality.   Our Policy: to make friends with moral quality        
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