日立 扫描透射HD-2000电子显微镜基本介绍
日立 扫描透射HD-2000电子显微镜性能特点
日立 扫描透射HD-2000电子显微镜技术参数
日立 扫描透射HD-2000电子显微镜使用说明
The HD-2000 has been introduced in response to the need for evaluation and analysis of ultra-thin sections in semiconductor applications
, the HD-2000 offers high resolution of 0.24 nm and a maximum magnification of 2 million times,-2000 offers a fast sample throughput:-2000 can be equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and can also be used in conjunction with the FB-2000A focused ion beam system,-2000 can be fully networked to allow transfer of images wherever they are required.
Z-contrast transmitted electron image
Windows - based user interface
Sample throughput 20-30 times faster than a conventional TEM
Optional phase-contrast transmitted electron image
: 4 x 5 metres
日立 扫描透射HD-2000电子显微镜采购须知