规格 | 供货量(台) |
单色单头标准机 | 100 |
双色双 头 | 100 |
商标 | 冠骄 |
型号 | Smart-dosing-2A |
规格 | 定制 |
包装 | 木箱发货 |
产量 | 1000 |
是否有现货 | 否 |
品牌 | 冠骄 |
自动化程度 | 半自动 |
空气源 | 2-6(MPA) |
吐出频率 | 0.1-9999.9 |
加工定制 | 是 |
电源电压 | 380V 50Hz |
功率 | 4kw |
型号 | Smart-dosing-2A |
规格 | 定制 |
商标 | 冠骄 |
包装 | 木箱发货 |
尺寸 | L:1100*w:1100*h:2200mm |
一、设备概述 Equipment overview
此款双色硅胶灌注机主要适用于室温硫化双组份液体硅胶的自动配比混合及定量灌注。设备采用PLC编程控制,智能触摸屏操作,操作简单易学。设备配备有液位监测、真空脱泡、故障报警等功能组件。计量系统采用精密伺服电机和进口精密计量泵浦;计量精度高,稳定性好,可连续长期稳定供料。静态混合 头,保证实现A、B两组份的均匀混合。目前该款设备已成功运用在国内上百家客户工厂,并受到客户的一致认可和好评。
This Bicolor silica gel dosing machine is mainly applicable to the automatic mixing and quantitative dosing ,,; High metering accuracy, good stability, , the equipment has been successfully used in hundreds of customer factories in China, and has been unanimously recognized and praised by customers.
二、设备细节 Equipment details
2.1 控制面板 Operation panel
1. PLC编程控制,进口触摸屏,操作简单智能。
PLC programming control, imported touch control screen, simple and intelligent operation.
2. PLC程序可设定99个不同的参数组别,带参数锁定功能,防止无关人员更改参数。
the PLC program control system can design 99 groups different parameters and can be locked on the screen, it can prevent irrelevant person from changing the parameters.
3. 自动定量与不定量两种不同模式可供选择。
Automatic quantitative and non quantitative modes are available.
4. 设备故障自动报警,触摸屏显示。
Automatic fault alarm and display on touch screen.
5. 紧急停止功能。
Emergency stop function.
2.2 料罐 Tanks
Standard tank volume 60L.
2. A、B料单独密封存储,限度延长原料的使用寿命,可以同时存放两组不同颜色(硬度)的AB胶。
Separate sealed storage of A、B glue to maximize the service life of glue;Two groups of A、B glue with different colors (hardness) can be stored at the same time.
3. 透明PC桶盖,便于观察料罐内原料的状态。
Transparent PC lid which is easy to observe the status of glue in the tank.
4. 配备有单独的清洗溶剂罐,自动清洗混合 头,为客户节省更多的使用和维护成本。
Equipped with a separate cleaning tank to automatically clean the mixing head, saving customers more use and maintenance costs.
5. 所有料罐(包括清洗罐)均配有液位报警功能,防止因缺料(清洗剂)造成的品质问题和生产故障。
All tanks (including cleaning tank) are equipped with liquid level alarm function to prevent quality problems and production failures caused by lack of glue(cleaning agent).
Taiwan brand vacuum pump is used for vacuum defoaming and vacuum negative pressure automatic feeding of A、B glue.
(optional)Equipped with heating, stirring and other functions.
2.3 计量系统 Metering system
1. 台湾品牌高精度齿轮计量泵,计量精度高,稳定性好,可长期连续稳定供料。
High precision gear metering pump of Taiwan brand, with high metering accuracy and good stability, can supply materials continuously and stably for a long time.
2. 伺服电机驱动计量泵,精度高,低速运行平稳。
Servo motor driven by metering pump, high precision, stable operation at low speed.
3. A、B胶配配备有独立计量系统,在混合前都是分开的。
A、B glue with independent metering system, which is separate before mixing.
2.4 混合单元 Mixing Unit
1. A、B料管选用不同颜色,易于区分。
Different colors of A、B tube make it easy to distinguish.
2. 旋转吊臂,可180°旋转作业。
The rotating boom can rotate 180 °
3. 静态混合装置,可拆卸,维护方便。
static mixing device, detachable, easy to maintain.
4. 根据流量选配不同类型的静态混合器,确保混合均匀。
Different types of static mixers are selected according to the flow to ensure uniform mixing.
5. 混合头带回吸功能,收胶后不滴不漏。
The mixing head has the function of sucking back, so there is no dripping or leakage after receiving the glue.
6. 配备自动清洗功能,效率高,使用方便,延长动态混合器使用寿命。
Automatic cleaning function, high efficiency, convenient and prolong Dynamic mixer service life.
2.5 电控箱 Electric control panel
1. 坚持选用国内外优质供应商电气配件,经久耐用。
Adhere to the selection of electrical accessories from high-quality suppliers at home and abroad, which are durable.
2. 5年以上丰富经验的电气工程师负责接线,布线合理,美观大方。
Electrical engineers with more than 5 years of rich experience are responsible for wiring, which is reasonable and beautiful.
2.6 真空泵组 Vacuum pump set
Taiwan brand vacuum pump is used for glue vacuum defoaming and vacuum negative pressure automatic feeding.
Ultra quiet rotary vane vacuum pump, pumping rate 40m3/h, limit vacuum 0.1mbar.
The front end of the vacuum pump is equipped with a resin collector to prevent the damage of the vacuum pump caused by improper operation of glue.