商标 | ISO900 |
型号 | Turbonycoil 600 |
规格 | 1KG |
包装 | ISO900 |
是否有现货 | 是 |
品牌 | 法国NYCO |
比重 | 1.13 |
闪点 | 180 |
40℃运动粘度 | 23 |
粘度等级 | 32 |
倾点 | -19 |
类别 | L-HG |
型号 | Turbonycoil 600 |
规格 | 1KG |
商标 | ISO900 |
包装 | ISO900 |
密度 | 0.89 |
Nyco Turbonycoil 600
TURBONYCOIL600是粘度在100℃的润滑油,设计用于在 和民用飞机燃气涡轮发动机中使用,以及在静止的工业应用。TURBONYCOIL600 具有发泡优异的耐并具有优异的润滑性。
TURBONYCOIL600 is 100 ℃ viscosity lubricant designed for use in military and civilian aircraft gas turbine engine,600 foam having excellent resistance and excellent lubricity.
Nyco Turbonycoil 601
TURBONYCOIL601是一种合成润滑油,用于粘度在100℃,用在设计 和民用飞机燃气涡轮发动机中使用,以及在静止的工业应用中,TURBONYCOIL601中的缓蚀是必需的。
TURBONYCOIL601 is a synthetic lubricant for viscosity at 100 ℃, used in the design of military and civilian aircraft gas turbine engines use, as well as in stationary industrial applications, TURBONYCOIL601 the corrosion is required.