The HL series manual reset limit control from Therm–O–Disc? offers a time – proven,,the HL/HLX series carries UL / CSA recognition and is commonly used today in electric heating or specialty applications that require it’:s high current and voltage handling capability.
(HL系列手动重置极限控制从Therm-O-Disc?提供了一个时间,证明,健壮的手动复位方案能够处理电器负载50安培480 vac。最初设计作为电加热水的限制应用程序)
Double-Pole Single Throw(双刀单掷)
-Accepted industry standard for domestic electric heater overtemperature protection.(满足电加热器超温保护的行业标准)
OPERATING TEMPERATURES-Can be calibrated to operate at any temperature up to 300℉. Normal differentials between opening and closing range from 40℉ to 70℉,depending on the operating temperature.【工作温度--标定温度最高可达300℉(148.8℃)。标准温差范围是40℉-70℉】
ELECTRICAL RATINGS(Each Circuit)(电气负载)
Terminal 1 & 2--Circuit#1
Terminal 3 & 4--Circuit#2
Resistive Load(电阻性负载):
Maximum calibration temperature( 标定温度) 300°F (148.8°C)
Maximum calibration temperature 480 V/50 amps For calibration up to 300°F (148.8°C)
Maximum CSA agency rating 600/25 amps/300°F (121°C)
Motor Load(电感性负载):
115 volts AC
230 volts AC
Pilot Duty:
125 volt-amperes at 115/230VAC
Electric Water Heaters(电热水器)
Portable Electric Heaters(便携式电热器)
Industrial Electric Heaters(工业电加热器)
Hot and Cold Vending Machines(热冷饮自动售货机)
Miscellaneous Applications(各种应用)