商标 | 南澳电气 |
型号 | NAZGF-Z |
规格 | ISO9001 |
包装 | 标准出口包装 |
产量 | 88888888 |
是否有现货 | 是 |
品牌 | 南澳电气 |
加工定制 | 是 |
测量范围 | 60KV~1500KV |
尺寸 | 65*65*120cm |
电池种类 | 无 |
测量精度 | 1% |
电源电压 | 220V/380V |
用途 | 高压耐受试验 |
型号 | NAZGF-Z |
规格 | ISO9001 |
商标 | 南澳电气 |
包装 | 标准出口包装 |
1.采用中频倍压电路, 应用 的PWM脉宽调制技术和大功率IGBT器件。并根据电磁兼容性理论,采用特殊屏蔽、隔离和接地等措施。使直流高压发生器实现了 、便携式并能承受额定电压放电而不损坏。
3.NAZGF-Z型直流高压发生器系列全部选用美国、日本等国 技术的元器件和德国制造的国际型系列机箱,集实用与美观一体。
4.NAZGF-Z型智能型直流高压发生器的倍压筒体用德国技术研制,中频变压器经有关专家特殊设计,体积小容量大。倍压筒底座用△- Y形撑脚,即装箱时缩成△形,使用时展成Y形,支撑稳定方便。
NAZGF-Z Intelligent DC High Voltage Generator
Products Characteristics
1.NAZGF-Z series DC high voltage test set adopts the intermediate frequency doubler circuit,, the use of special shielding,, portable and can withstand the rated voltage discharge without damage.
-chip microcomputer technology,, light weight, easy to carry, the instrument operating frequency is more than 30Hz.
, and the international series chassis are made by Germany, which make it be practical and beautiful.
, medium frequency transformer is specially designed by our experts,△- Y, it means when it is packed into the box, the foundation will shrink into triangle △, when you use the instrument, it will expand into the shape Y, that make the instrument more stable and convenient.