商标 | 南澳电气 |
型号 | NA2671 |
规格 | 高精度测试设备 |
包装 | 国际通用出口木箱包装标准SN-T |
产量 | 88888888 |
是否有现货 | 是 |
品牌 | 南澳电气 |
加工定制 | 是 |
类型 | 指针式电阻 |
种类 | 绝缘电阻表 |
测量范围 | 20-200(MΩ) |
电源 | 220V和380V |
测试电压 | 定制 |
精度 | 1级 |
重复误差 | 1% |
环境温度 | -40~80(℃) |
相对湿度 | 45% |
校准周期 | 12个月 |
重量 | 12000 |
尺寸 | 600*400*300mm |
型号 | NA2671 |
规格 | 高精度测试设备 |
商标 | 南澳电气 |
包装 | 国际通用出口木箱包装标准SN-T |
NA2671 Series Pointer Insulation Resistance Tester NA2671指针式绝缘电阻测试仪
随着我国电力工业的快速发展,电气设备预防性实验是保障电力系统 运行和维护工作中的一个重要环节。绝缘诊断是检测电气设备绝缘缺陷或故障的重要手段。绝缘电阻测试仪是测量绝缘电阻的专用仪表。1990年5月批准实施的JJG662-89《绝缘电阻表(兆欧表)》已把它作为强制检定的仪表之一。目前,电气设备(如变压器、发电机等)朝着大容量化、高电压化、结构多样化及密封化的趋势发展。这就需要绝缘电阻测试仪本身具有容量大、抗干扰能力强、测量指标多样化、测量结果准确、测量过程简单并迅速、便于携带等特点。
南澳电气生产的指针式绝缘电阻测试仪采用 形张丝表头、多种电压等级输出、容量大、抗干扰强、交直流两用(C型)、操作简单、具有时间提示功能。是测量变压器、互感器、发电机、高压电动机、电力电容、电力电缆、避雷器等绝缘电阻的理想测试仪器。
1)指针式绝缘电阻测试仪的绝缘测试在500V 可测20GΩ, 在1000V 可测40GΩ, 在2500V 可测100GΩ。
2)额定的输出电压保持在对指针式绝缘电阻测试仪负载电阻可低至4MΩ/8MΩ/20MΩ,这使得仪表能够 测量较低的绝缘阻抗。
3)自动转换的高低范围双刻度指示, 彩色刻度易于读识, 并且有LED显示相应色彩。
5)指针式绝缘电阻测试仪采用 型张丝表头,抗震能力强。
Product introduction
With the rapid development of National power industry,662-89 "insulation resistance meter (megger)"(such as transformers, generators, etc.) is that high capacity, high voltage,(pointer) itself must have the characteristics such as large capacity, strong anti-interference ability, diversified measurement indexes, accurate measurement results, easy and fast measurement process,, instrument transformer, generator, HV motor, power capacitors, power cables, arrester, etc
Also called name
Digital megger pointer megger, insulation sheet, digital pressure megger, high voltage insulation resistance tester, insulation resistance meter, insulation characteristics tester, electric shake table, electronic insulation resistance tester, high-power high-voltage trillion Europe table,digital insulation tester,megohmmeters,insulation resistance testers,Insulation Tester,Digital High Voltage Insulation Tester,Digital megohmmeter,Digital Insulation Resistance Tester
The Characteristics of the products
(1) The instrument is used to do insulation test: when the voltage is 500V, the maximum tested value will up to 20GΩ; when the voltage is 1000V, the value will up to 40GΩ; when the voltage is 2500V, the value will up to 100GΩ.
(2) When rated output voltage of NA2501 tester continuously load, the resistance can be as low as 4MΩ/8MΩ/20MΩ, which makes the instrument can measure the low insulation resistance accurately.
(3) Double scale indication can be converted automatically, colorful LED display for easy reading.
(4) ABS plastic casing and portable design with anti-interference ability, compact structure, attractive appearance.
(5) The instrument uses ultra-thin sheets silk headers, seismic resistance.
(6) AC-DC dual-use, built-in rechargeable battery and intelligent charging module, ensuring high output power(C type).
(7) It is an ideal tester to measure insulation resistance of these equipments such as transformer, instrument transformer, generator, HV motor, power capacitors, power cables, arrester, etc.
Power supply: AC110V/115V/120V/127V/220V/230V/240V optional
Input frequency: 50Hz/60Hz optional![]()