1. 目的Purpose
MTO-1000 & MTO-1001微量水气分析仪是利用光在共振腔内震荡能被水气吸收的方法来侦测水气, 可侦测微量水气至 ppt 等级, 所能侦测的气体包含氮气, 氩气, 氦气, 氧气以及 气.
2. 侦测范围Scope
侦测范围: 0–5000 ppb
3. 分析仪规格Specification
1) 侦测极限LDL: 200 ppt
2) 感测度Sensitivity: 100 ppt
3) 准确度Accuracy (小于greater of): 读值的4% of reading 或是or ± 100 ppt
4) 反应速度Speed of Response (typical): Response to 50 ppb intrusion - < 3 min
5) 安装环境Environmental Conditions: 10 - 40 ℃, 30 % to 80 %-condensing
6) 样品气体入口压力Sample Inlet Pressure: 10 – 125 psi (1.7 – 9.6 bar)
7) 样品气体出口压力Sample Outlet Pressure: < 2.0 psig back pressure (or vacuum)
8) 样品气体流率Flow Rate: Up to 2.0 slm per inlet
9) 样品气体Sample Gases:
MTO-1000: Inert and passive gases
MTO-1001: Inert, toxic, corrosive and passive gases
10) 样品气体温度Sample Line Temperature: Up to 60 ℃
11) 接头形式Fittings and Connections: 1/4” VCR-type
12) 气动空气压力Pneumatic Pressure: 70 – 100 psig clean dry air, 1/8” press-to-lock
13) 电源要求Power Requirements: 90-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
14) 功率Power Consumption: 200 Watts max
15) 报指示Alarm Indicators: User programmable alarm set points
16) 讯号输出Output Signals: Isolated 4-20 mA or 0-20 mA output per sample inlet
Alarm: Form-C relay per sample inlet and system fault
17) 使用者接口User Interface: 10.4” Color VGA display with touch screen, PS2 mouse and keyboard connections, 10BaseT Ethernet, 3-1/2” floppy disc drive
18) 尺寸Dimensions: 14”h x 19”w x 27.5”d (35.6 cm x 48.3 cm x 70.0 cm)
19) 重量Weight: 100 lbs (45.4 kg)