PKE接收天线,具有体积小,效率高以及 的优点。适合于PKE系统,TPMS系统
LC4308 SMD Drop Resistant Transponder Coil (2.38mH - 9mH)
High stability in temperature, ranges:ΔLs/Ls (-40oC ⇒ 25oC): -2% max.
ΔLs/Ls (+25oC ⇒ +85oC): +0.5% max.
Typical temperature coefficient ΔLs/oC: +200±50ppm/oC.
-40oC to +85oC for Keyless Entry Systems.
High sensitivity. 75 mVpp/App/m for 7.2 mH (@125 kHz). 135 mVpp/App/m for 16.2 mH (@125 kHz).
: more than 500 times x 1 meter.
, 5 sides protected , high reliability with Pick&Place machines warranted.
Taped & Reel: 2500 pcs / reel.
Inductance values from 340μH to 16.2mH for 125KHz operations (contact ZSUCORE RFID for inductance range for other working frequencies from 20KHz to 200KHz).
Keyless entry Systems.
Industrial applications.
Access control.