商标 | 百水合 |
型号 | Tpp |
规格 | 230kg |
包装 | 塑料桶 |
产量 | 800000 |
是否有现货 | 是 |
类型 | 有机 盐阻垢剂 |
形态 | 液态 |
型号 | Tpp |
规格 | 230kg |
商标 | 百水合 |
包装 | 塑料桶 |
形状 | 浅黄透明液体 |
pH | 7.2 |
TPP水性多功能助剂属甲基醇胺酯类垢缓蚀阻剂,配制光学玻璃清洗剂、无泡喷淋清洗剂、除黑炭、具有分散及溶解金属表面氧化皮双重作用,使金属表面 光泽、又是一种低味、低挥发的有机胺化合物,对酸性除锈清洗剂也有很好的缓释作用!
1、组 成 : 胺酯类有机物
2、外 观 : 无色或黄色透明液体
3、有效成份: 96%
4、PH 值: 7-9
5、HLB值: 易水溶性有机物质HLB值比较灵活!属于两性表面活性剂!水包油型产品!
5 水溶性: 易溶于水
1 、an水或其他碱性胺类物质的替代品;低味、低毒、低磷、具有调节PH值作用,用途相当广泛!
2 、能与铁、铜、锌等多种金属离子形成稳定的络合物,能溶解金属表面的微观氧化物,提高清洗过后金属表面的光泽度!对酸性除锈有良好的缓蚀作用,在高或者低PH下仍很稳定,不易水解,不易分解。当和其他表面活性剂复配使用时,表现出其他两性表面活性剂不具备的协同效应
3、由于有机胺酯的无泡特性,更多用户用于无泡或低泡喷淋清洗,市场应用表现 更多无泡表面活性剂!
1、230公斤塑料桶 本品为非易燃易爆易腐蚀危险品,储存于5-40℃通风干燥环境
Organic amine ester TPP
Product introduction:
, bubble free spray cleaning agent, black carbon removal, and has the dual functions of dispersing and dissolving metal surface oxide scale,-release effect on acid rust removal cleaning agent!
Typical characteristics:
Cheng: Amine ester organics
View: Colorless or yellow transparent liquid
: 96%
4、PH Value: 7-9
: The HLB value of water-soluble organic matter is more flexible! Belongs to amphoteric surfactant! Oil in water products!
five Water solubility: Soluble in water
Unique performance:
; Low taste, low toxicity, low phosphorus, can adjust pH value, and has a wide range of uses!
, copper, zinc and other metal ions, dissolve the micro oxides on the metal surface and improve the gloss of the metal surface after cleaning! It has a good corrosion inhibition effect on acid rust removal, is still very stable at high or low pH,, it shows a synergistic effect that other amphoteric surfactants do not have
, more users are used for non foaming or low foaming spray cleaning, and the market application performance is better than more non foaming surfactants!
Suggestions for use:
3-10% (mass ratio);
(; grinding powder cleaning), etc
Packaging and storage:
1. 230 kg plastic bucket This product is non flammable,5-40 ℃
,, the container shall be closed to avoid contact oxidation with air, affecting the use effect and causing color difference
- The seal is valid for 12 months