商标 | 易安居草堂 |
型号 | ID4825110028USD1860 |
规格 | 34*69cm |
包装 | 无 |
产量 | 1 |
是否有现货 | 是 |
类别 | 书法艺术 |
技法 | 写意 |
是否有支架 | 无 |
材质 | 宣纸 |
画框 | 框架 |
型号 | ID4825110028USD1860 |
规格 | 34*69cm |
商标 | 易安居草堂 |
包装 | 无 |
专利分类 | 无 |
专利号 | 无 |
作者 | 三无居士 |
中国书法艺术历史悠久,源远流长。各国文字也一样诞生在很久很久以前,有文字就应该书法艺术。英文是很好表现书法美学价值的文字之一,英文书法艺术可以千变万化,丰富俊美。将中国书法艺术嫁接到西洋文化,必将是一场浩荡地书法艺术,必将开启和创造一个时代艺术传奇。任何一个人都可以参与进来,成为这场书法艺术变革的使者、学者、推动者、贡献者或旁观者,迎来全球性书法艺术的春天。, long ago, As long as there are words,, and English calligraphy art can be more varied,, will certainly be a vast of the calligraphy art,, Become the messenger, scholar, promoter, contributor or bystander of the transformation of calligraphy art, and usher in the global spring of calligraphy art。
34 x 69 cm
We are the world
calligraphic art
34 x 69 cm
The humble cottage to live easily
“We are the world”,,It has a novel layout and clever idea,Ink and lines change or light or heavy, Or thick or thin, The rhythm is smooth , The intensity is always ,The layout is novel,Artful idea,Chinese strokes are rich and round, Flexible degree; English is elegant, ethereal and clever。Chinese and Western combination, shine forever like the sun and the moon.
这幅作品蕴藏着文化气息和精神力量,在公共场所和家居环境装饰中得到广泛的应用,取得了很好的艺术装饰效果,深受现代人民喜爱。This work contains the cultural atmosphere and spiritual power, which has been widely used in public places and home environment decoration, and has achieved a very good art decoration effect, and is deeply loved by the modern people.
易安居草堂的书法艺术作品中西合璧,文化交融,将是未来书法艺术创新发展的灿烂瑰宝。汉字部分笔力遒劲,气势磅礴,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,栩栩如生;英文部分幽雅柔婉,飘逸秀美,静谧悠远,艺韵悠长。字里行间流淌着千年的历史和文化,墨色流光描绘着古老的神韵和灵魂。The calligraphy art works of “ The humble cottage to live easily”are a combination of Chinese and Western elements and a cultural blend, is vigorous and majestic, As graceful as a startled swan, as graceful as a wandering dragon, lifelike; English part is elegant and soft, elegant and beautiful, quiet and , the ink color light depicts the ancient charm and soul.
国际艺术交流和鉴赏塑造出艺术国际大融合的时代景象,这幅作品得到了西方媒体聚焦并连续报道,在全球数百家主流媒体上线和转载,书法艺术正在地球上各种不同的语言土壤中播种、发芽、茁壮成长。,, sprouting and growing in various different languages on the earth.