商标 | 58212-C |
型号 | 58212-C |
规格 | 58212-C |
包装 | 58212-C |
型号 | 58212-C |
规格 | 58212-C |
商标 | 58212-C |
包装 | 58212-C |
Chroma/致茂台湾58212-CTester Mode特色:
Test Items
The Chroma 58212-C features an automated LED wafer/chip probe tester, delivering fast and accurate LED measurements with test times less than 125ms *1.
The system can be modified to support different LED structures including Lateral, Vertical,.
Chroma's unique design acquires and analyzes optical data such as the dominant wave length, peak wavelength,, it provides essential electrical data such as forward voltage, leakage current, and rever reakdown voltage, all in one test step.
Note *1 : Test condition: under 300um sample pitch,, the measurement results may vary.
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ModelDescription询价58212-CLED Mapping Probe Tester