商标 | 33010 |
型号 | 33010 |
规格 | 33010 |
包装 | 33010 |
型号 | 33010 |
规格 | 33010 |
商标 | 33010 |
包装 | 33010 |
Chroma/致茂台湾33010 Card Model特色:
Chroma 33010 is a high-density 100MHz PXIe digital IO card designed for characterizing, validating,(SQPG)33010 include an on-board SQPG, per pin timing/levels/ PMU/TFMU, multiple time domains,64M vector memory, 16 timing sets with on-the-fly timing change, and per pin timing and frequency measurements up to 400 MHz.
In addition to LabView and LabWindows support, Chroma provides a proprietary software option, CRAFT_PXI,_-of-use GUI software with an Operator Interface, Test Data Output, Binning and Sequence Control, Wafer Map, Summary Tool, and rich sets of prober/, Debug Plan, TCM, Shmoo, Pattern Editor, Waveform, conversions.
With a high-density per pin and per site architecture, full suite of ATE Pin Electronics (PE) card functions, expandable channel count, and a rich set of software support, the 33010 digital IO card will help users address the emerging market and test cost challenges. 33010 PXIe cards can be easily adopted with other PXI/PXIe solutions such as RF, SMUs, and Mixed-signal cards to address a variety of applications such as MCUs, Sensors, RF ICs, PMICs, or ICs with combined functions.
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