技术指标:Wafer / substrate sizes:100 - 200 mm, 150 - 300 mm§ Pre-bond chamber:Alignment type: flat-to-flat or notch-to-notchAlignment accuracy: X and Y: ±50 µm, Theta: ±0.1 °Bond force: up to 5 NBond wave initiation position: flexible from wafer edge to centerVacuum system: 9x10-2 mbar (standard) and 9x10-3 mbar (option with turbo pump)§ LowTemp™ plasma activation module:Chucks for different wafer sizesMetal ion free activationProcess gases: 2 standard process gases: N2 and O2 and 2 additional process gases: high purity gases ( 99.999%), noble gases (Ar, He, Ne, etc.) and forming gases ( 95% N2, Ar, He with 5% H2)Universal mass flow controller: self calibrating for up to 4 process gases, recipe programmable and up to 20.000 sccm flow rateVacuum system: 9x10-2 mbar (standard) and 9x10-3 mbar (option with turbo pump)High frequency RF generators and matching unitProcess license and BKM recipe§ Clean module:Open chamber, spinner and cleaning armChamber: Made of PP or PFA Spinner chuck: Vacuum chuck (standard) and edge handling chuck (option) made of metal ion free and clean materials, rotation up to 3000 rpm, acceleration to 3000 rpm in 5 secondsCleaning arm: For up to 6 media lines (1 megasonic system uses 2 lines)Media: DI-water (standard), NH4OH and H2O2 with max. 2% concentration (option)§ Automated wafer handling system:The field proven class 1* compatible wafer handling robot on EVG850LT enables 24 hour automated .§ Optional features:- Class 1* mini-environment- IR-inspection station*according to US FED STD 209E